Disable/Enable Rental Space

This guide will show you how to disable and enable rental space.

๐Ÿ“Œ Inactive spaces cannot be booked new, but past bookings will not be automatically canceled.


Disabling rental space

  1. Go to the Rental Space section.A list of registered rental spaces will be displayed.in the list"Active"Select a tab.

  2. Select the space you want to disable,"Deactivate"Click the button.

    ๐Ÿ“Œ Stopping rental space on Sakurabook does not remove the service itself from the store. Note that you'll need to change your product settings in Shopify Admin.Note that if you mark a product as a draft, it will no longer appear in the store.

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Activate rental space

  1. Go to the Rental Space section.A list of registered rental spaces will be displayed.in the list"pause"Select a tab.

  2. Select the space you want to enable,"activate"Click the button.

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