[Example of use] Build a mail order and store reservation site for a pet grooming salon

[Example of use] Build a mail order and store reservation site for a pet grooming salon

Even pet trimming salons now have their own homepages.It is not uncommon for shops that sell pet care products, pet food, etc. on the site.

At these pet trimming salons, Shopify and Sakurabook can be used to simultaneously carry out mail order and visit reservation.

In this article, we will provide an overview of the business model for the online expansion of the trimming salon business.

What is Shopify?Reasons why it is recommended for mail order of trimming salon for pets

Let's start with a quick look at what Shopify is.

Shopify is a cloud-based EC platform that allows you to build and operate a full-fledged online shopping site. Unlike Amazon and Rakuten, you can operate your own domain, that is, your own original mail order site.

It has all the basic functions required for an EC site, such as the top page, product page, member registration, payment, customer management, and issuing discount coupons. can be used to generate revenue.

It can be said that it is a global standard for e-commerce sites that are used by 175 million stores in 170 countries around the world.

One of the major features of Shopify is that the extension function called "Shopify App" is very complete. A Shopify app is a system that brings additional functionality to Shopify.For example, you can select the necessary functions such as marketing, product management, SNS linkage, etc. and introduce them freely.

Therefore, it has a wide range of expandability, and if you make full use of the Shopify app, you can say that there is almost nothing you can't do.

And this time, there are various reasons for recommending Shopify for this pet trimming salon mail order site, but one of the big ones is the Shopify app "Sakurabook" that can be equipped with a reservation calendar.

What is Sakurabook? Equipped with a reservation calendar on the Shopify site to balance product sales and visit reservation

Now, let's explain what Sakurabook is.

Sakurabook is one of the Shopify apps, which are the extensions of Shopify introduced earlier. Shopify is a cloud service that creates a normal mail order site, but you can install a "reservation calendar" that can be used for store visit reservations etc. on the mail order site built with this Shopify.

Of course, in addition to installing a calendar, you can select a reservation date and time from there, put it in the shopping cart, make a payment, and make a reservation by actually completing the payment.Reservable dates and times are automatically reflected on the calendar.

It is a highly functional reservation system that not only embeds a calendar into the site and displays it, but actually allows customers to make reservations by specifying the date and time on the calendar.

In a general website, the functions are completely divided, such as a mail order site for a mail order site and a reservation site for a reservation site.For this reason, it is extremely difficult to have both a mail-order site that sells products online and a reservation site that accepts reservations and payments for store visits on the same website.Even if it were possible, the reality is that in many cases the service would be inadequate or difficult for customers to use.

But if you have a Shopify site powered by Sakurabook, you won't have these problems.Customers can make purchases without hesitation with easy-to-understand and intuitive operations for both purchasing products and making reservations for store visits.

You can also purchase products online and pay for online reservations in the same shopping cart.

The combination of Shopify and Sakurabook makes it possible to build a site with these characteristics that enables both product sales and store reservations.

What you need for a pet trimming salon mail order + reservation site

From here, let's think about what you need for a pet trimming salon mail order + reservation site.By thinking about this, you can see why the combination of Shopify and Sakurabook is recommended.

XNUMX: Necessary content for a trimming salon homepage 

Well, first of all, since it is a trimming salon for pets, it is thought that many customers who visit the site wish to visit the trimming salon, or are considering it.First of all, it is necessary to have various elements as a homepage, such as page content that firmly conveys the appeal of the salon and a design that conveys the image.Also, since this is a service related to pet medical care, it is important to clearly disclose the staff's qualifications, expertise, and achievements.

First of all, it will be necessary to satisfy the functions necessary for the homepage of such a trimming salon for pets.

XNUMX: Mechanism for accepting visit reservations 

Next, we need a system to accept visit reservations.If you think about it in the simplest way, it is simple to write down the phone number of the salon along with the phrase "Click here to make a reservation for a visit", and then accept the reservation over the phone.

Of course, we should have a system in place to accept reservations over the phone like this, but that alone is inconvenient for customers, and it is not efficient from the point of view of store management.We need a system to accept reservations online.

When accepting reservations, we generally ask customers for the following information.

・What kind of course and what kind of service do you want to reserve?

・ What time and date of the month are you making a reservation?

・Your name and the type and name of your pet

In addition to asking for this kind of information from customers, we also have to coordinate with the convenience of the store, such as reservation availability and business hours.We need an easy-to-understand application form that can do this.

XNUMX: Mail order for pet supplies and pet food

And one more thing, it would be best if it also has an online shopping function for pet supplies and pet food.

Customers who use pet salons not only receive services such as trimming and care at the salon, but also need various things for the daily lives of their pets, who are important family members.For example, special pet food that matches the type, age, and physical condition of your pet.A variety of toys that help indoor pets prevent inactivity and relieve stress.Customers who live with pets need a variety of things, such as care products to keep them clean.

It would be nice if you could sell these items not only at the salon store, but also on the salon website.Therefore, it is better to have such online shopping functions.

A Shopify site powered by Sakurabook can meet all your requirements

・ Necessary content for the homepage of the trimming salon 

・Mechanism for accepting visit reservations 

・Mail order for pet supplies and pet food

A Shopify site powered by Sakurabook can provide all of these necessary functions.I will explain how each point can be achieved.

Create high-quality sites with Shopify design themes

First, let's create the necessary content for the trimming salon homepage. Shopify is his platform for creating mail-order sites, but in addition to sites that are commonly thought of as mail-order sites, it is possible to create various his homepages such as shop sites, corporate sites, and brand sites. can.

Shopify has a wide variety of design themes, and you can quickly create a website with a sophisticated and professional design just by applying the theme.You can also customize the theme and add his branding to every detail, including logos, colors and images.It is also possible to link with SNS such as salon introduction page, abundant photo gallery, and Instagram.

Sakurabook implements a highly functional reservation reception calendar

Let's use Sakurabook from the "Shopify app", which is an extension of Shopify, to accept store visit reservations.

I think the trimming salon has a variety of service menus.For example, there are various menus depending on the service content, such as his shampoo course, full body cut, nail clipping, ear cleaning, etc.We will register these menus as products and create a reservation page.

Reservations can now be made using an easy-to-understand calendar.Customers can check the availability from the calendar, select the desired date and time, complete the online payment with a simple operation, and apply for a reservation.Business hours and availability are automatically reflected in the reservation calendar.Therefore, there is no need to communicate with customers such as "When are you open?"It also helps prevent double bookings.

Shopify's mail order function to sell pet supplies and more

And of course, you can also shop for pet supplies.Originally Shopify itself is a platform to create a mail order site. By introducing the basic functions of Spotify and other extension functions (apps) as necessary, you will be able to carry out various mail-order sales such as pet supplies and pet food.

For example, you can create a product page for each product, such as pet toys or carefully selected pet food, and introduce the product with videos and images to encourage purchase.

Customers can put the products they want in the shopping cart on the spot, make an online payment, and place an order.

Increase the number of customers for trimming salons by linking with blogs and SNS

In addition to making reservations for store visits and mail order products, there are also functions that are useful for attracting customers online.

For example, you can run a blog to collect customers from Google search, etc., or link with an SNS account to make it easier for new customers to find you on SNS.If such rich content is enriched, it will be easy to become a hot topic and catch the eye of new customers.Of course, these measures are also important for existing customers to become repeat customers.

Shopify has various other marketing and customer management functions, and you can realize various ideas that will help you attract more customers and increase sales.

With the IT introduction subsidy, you can apply for a subsidy of up to 350 million yen to build a Shopify site equipped with Sakurabook.

A Shopify site powered by Sakurabook is an ideal choice if you want to create a website for a pet grooming salon and accept online mail order and visit appointments like this.

What customers want from a trimming salon is not only the various service menus that they use when they come to the salon, but also products such as pet supplies and pet food.In other words, one of the characteristics of a trimming salon as a business model is to handle both "goods" and "services", which have two different characteristics.

Businesses with these characteristics are examples of cases where Shopify sites powered by Sakurabook can demonstrate their strengths the most.You can build a customer-friendly and sophisticated site that combines mail order and reservation, which is impossible with other tools and platforms.

And the construction of this Shopify site equipped with Sakurabook isEligible for "IT introduction subsidies" by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industrybecomes.By using this subsidy,Subsidy of up to 350 million yencan apply.As a result, you can create an ideal trimming salon homepage while reducing the actual cost burden.

For more information, please check the article below.

⇒ [IT introduction subsidy] You can apply for a subsidy of up to 350 million yen for building a Shopify reservation site

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