[Use example] Building a trial reservation site for school lessons with Sakurabook to increase the number of new students

[Use example] Building a trial reservation site for school lessons with Sakurabook to increase the number of new students

This time, we will provide specific information on how to use Sakurabook to build a reservation site for trial lessons for school lessons.

You can also link with full-fledged online course creation tools such as Thinkific.With this, it is also possible to open a new online school that seamlessly connects online and offline.The link between Thinkific and Sakurabook is covered in detail in the article below, so this timeReservation reception for trial lessons and trial classesLet's pay attention to.

《Reference article》

[Usage example] Create a full-fledged online course with Sakurabook + Thinkific and monetize it

The number of new students is not increasing easily...There is a problem with the application form for trial lessons

The biggest issue in the school lesson business isAcquisition of new studentsit might be.

Trial lessons and trial classes are the most effective ways to acquire new students.The charm, atmosphere, fulfillment, and fun of learning of the school and lessons will be conveyed for the first time by experiencing it.

That's why trial lessons are essential for acquiring new students.

But here comes a real problem.Guideline to reservation application for trial lesson.

There is access to the school's website, but the percentage of people who apply for trial lessons is low.

Frequently asked questions"Even though I have access to the website, I'm having a hard time getting a trial lesson application."That's what I'm worried about.

For example, there are many ways to let everyone know, such as web advertisements, distribution of flyers in the area where the classroom is located, and newspaper advertisements.However, everyone who saw such advertisements and became interested in the school and actually accessed the homepage,Still can't apply for trial lesson, is the problem.

This means thatThere is a bottleneck that causes customers to give up on the path from “getting interested” to “applying for a trial lesson”.Means that.

There is a problem with the reservation reception function of the homepage

When confronted with these issues, there may be many cases where you think, "Maybe the advertising was bad," or "I need more people to know about it."But in factThe identity of the bottleneck is the leads on the homepage and the convenience of the reservation function.

"I was interested and looked at the website, but I couldn't find the application form for the trial lesson."

"I wanted to apply for a trial lesson, but the form was difficult to use, so I gave up in the end."

"I want to go to a trial lesson, but I stopped because the schedule and time didn't suit me."

For these reasons,Lost opportunitymay have occurred.In this case, most of your advertising and promotional expenses will be wasted.

But,All these problems can be solved with Sakurabook.

■ Build a reservation application site for trial lessons on Sakurabook and increase the number of new acquisitions

Sakurabook is a tool that allows you to build an easy-to-use and highly convenient reservation site.

No need to click the "Reserve here" button: A smooth and smooth reservation wizard from the service details page to reservation application and payment.

The screen structure is easy for anyone to understand, so you can make a reservation smoothly without hesitation.You can embed the reservation calendar in the lesson details page and apply for a reservation without changing the screen.

* The image is an image under development

On a normal website, there are many sites that cannot be transitioned to the reservation form unless you click a button such as "Click here to make a reservation".However, when the number of steps before applying for a reservation increases, the number of users who leave before that step also increases.

However, Sakurabook does not require the "Reserve from here" button.From the details page, you can proceed directly through the booking wizard.Reservations can be completed smoothly by following the instructions on the screen, reducing opportunity losses on the reservation site.

"Schedule conflicts..." Let's prevent such opportunity loss: flexible reservation calendar that allows you to freely choose the time

"I'm interested in a trial lesson, but it doesn't fit my schedule, so let's not do it."

With Sakurabook, you can prevent such customers from missing out.

The biggest feature of Sakurabook is its flexible reservation system.Not only the date but also the duration can be set so that the customer can freely choose.You will be able to choose the start time and end time of the service with a wide range.

* The image is an image under development

Of course, you can also make a reservation for a fixed time frame as usual.

For example, you can choose a fixed time frame for a group lesson experience, and you can freely choose between 20 minutes and 1 hour for an individual lesson experience.

■ Easy to use: Efficiency that is easy to operate even in small-scale schools and classrooms

Sakurabook is also easy to use.No programming or coding is required for normal operation.Easily add courses, edit courses, develop campaigns, and more.It is a reservation site that can be operated without difficulty even in a school that is operated by a small number of people.Even without assigning dedicated staff, the system can be operated without difficulty as part of normal daily work.

■ There is also a classroom introduction and course introduction page that makes full use of photos, videos, and multimedia.

Introduction of classrooms and courses is essential for obtaining applications for trial lessons.It is important to increase the motivation to apply by communicating the attractiveness, characteristics, and atmosphere of the course through the site.

Sakurabook is a reservation calendar that works on Shopify, an EC site building tool used by more than 175 million businesses in 170 countries around the world. You can handle all the rich features of Shopify.Therefore, it is possible to enrich various contents such as the top page, course introduction page, classroom introduction page, teacher profile page, etc.

Easily apply a sleek, professional design, enrich your photos and videos, and create a compelling booking site.

■ You can make a nomination reservation from the lecturer's introduction page

Isn't it the instructor who plays the most central role in the school lesson business?No matter how well the curriculum is prepared, it is the teacher who actually teaches it.It can be said that the charm of the teacher is the charm of the classroom.

If you use Sakurabook, you can also make a reservation by appointing a lecturer.For example, it is possible to create a profile page for each instructor and embed Sakurabook's reservation calendar there.Those who wish to take lessons can check the characteristics, areas of expertise, and attractions of a teacher by looking at the profile of the teacher, then select an available day from the reservation calendar and apply for a reservation.

As a result, it is possible to accurately respond to the requests of those who wish to enter the room, such as "I want to experience the lesson of Mr. XX".

■ Supports online lessons by linking with Zoom

Sakurabook also supports Zoom linkage.It is also possible to conduct online lessons with real-time video and audio by connecting students and instructors via online calls.Reservations for these online lessons can also be made through Sakurabook.

For example, it is possible to offer trial lessons online for those who want to see the atmosphere in a trial lesson but find it difficult to actually go to the classroom.It is also possible to have students experience the atmosphere of the classroom and the contents of the lesson online, and then proceed with the procedure to enter the classroom.

Increase the convenience of trial lesson reservations with Sakurabook and increase the number of new students

Sakurabook can be said to be the best tool for building and operating a reservation reception site for lessons and schools.With a full range of functions and convenience not found in conventional reservation systems, you can escort customers who are interested in "I want to try it" to a trial lesson.

Also, here we have explained the reservation of the trial lesson as an example,Of course, it is also possible to sell paid lessons and courses.

In many cases, lessons and schools are usually offered on fixed days of the week, but there may be cases where reservations are required for each time.Even in such cases, using Sakurabook will enable smooth reservation reception and payment.

After the COVID-XNUMX crisis, demand for the school and lesson business is increasing, and the competition in the business environment is intensifying.A more convenient reservation site with less opportunity loss will be essential for the school lesson business in the future.

We hope that you will consider using Sakurabook on this occasion.

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